Poland approves a Sunday law prohibiting the opening of shops on Sundays. | Radio Renacer

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lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017

Poland approves a Sunday law prohibiting the opening of shops on Sundays.

The ruling party of Poland passed a law that will gradually impose a prohibition on Sunday purchases, satisfying the demand of its conservative Catholic supporters with a measure that runs the risk of undermining economic growth and striking Corporate profits and real estate investors.

The Law & Justice Party approved on Friday (27) A law to force retail companies to close two Sundays a month next year. With the support of the unions and the Catholic Church, the bill must now be approved by the upper House of Parliament and signed by President Andrzej Duda.

The Sunday purchases will be banned totally in 2020, until then the measure will be implemented gradually. In 2018 you can only open the first and last Sundays of the month; In 2019, it will only be the last. And in 2020 every Sunday will be festive for the workers, except for a small exception that will be allowed to open on Sunday before big holidays such as Christmas or Easter, as well as the last Sunday of January, April, June and August. Bakeries and online stores will be exempt from this prohibition

Poland's influential Catholic bishops said in a statement that they were not completely satisfied and insisted that every Sunday should be free from work for all.


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