Game of Thrones, Pornography and Vices | Radio Renacer

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viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

Game of Thrones, Pornography and Vices

Pornography is a taboo subject in the Christian world. Few people risk talking about it. But that does not mean that the matter is not important. It's very important!

I am going to open my heart to you: I am very concerned about Christians believing that the content of this and other series and movies "do not affect" people. Do not be fooled, if it affects! Everything that we put in our mind, which is part of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, affects our life. It is no coincidence that Solomon says, "Above all else, take care of your heart, for from it mankind lives." Another version: "First of all, watch your thoughts because they control your life." The main thing is to keep our mind and to take care The things we put there! There is no doubt about this topic.

Many experts agree that it is already a public health issue, as it affects health, the family and society as a whole. Pornography destroys many fundamental aspects of life such as relationships, the biblical concept of sex, distorts the image of the human being (for example, the woman happens to be seen as an object of pleasure and not someone with feelings).

The vice can affect the present (married) and future (single) relationships. Therefore, the following article will be very relevant to address this issue directly and openly.

If you watch Game of Thrones, you are watching pornography
HBO's blockbuster series received 26 Emmy statues, including the "Best Drama Series" award in 2015, and features 18.6 million people watching all episodes of the series - a record For HBO, virtually the same population as New York, the third most populous state in the United States. This is a very large number, which encompasses many people and indicates a strong cultural influence.

What makes people see Game of Thrones? Certainly, artistic performance, plot, characters, plot, battles, dragons and, of course, exaggerated and gratuitous scenes of nudity and sex (including a long and explicit rape scene that became news last year ).

Like the phenomenon of "Fifty shades of gray", all this brings to the surface the problem of sex as entertainment of the masses. What makes a porn movie "pornography" and Game of Thrones an award winning and popular icon of popular culture?

Both have a story and both are erotic. I guess the difference is in Game of Thrones has more argument than sex, so it is considered a drama and not a "porn", since pornography have more sex than plot. You could also say that the purpose of Game of Thrones is artistic, while the purpose of a porn movie is sexual pleasure. Although this is a very subjective statement, many in the pornography industry could easily refute, since the purpose of both, after all, is money, but that is another story.

Would people across New York state openly admit to attending pornography, "love" seeing, discussing the topic with friends and even commenting on the stories of their "porn" in the Facebook timeline?

Obviously not.

Why, then, by covering these scenes with the glitter and glamor of HBO, does everything suddenly become socially acceptable? Do people actually love pornography, but do not want to admit it publicly? They do not want to surf obscene Internet sites, but if they get their "porn" via HBO (or via Netflix), all right, what they want is a way to store the cake and eat it at the same time. They want to have "porn" without social stigma; "Porn" that your wife lets you see; "Porn" that can be rationalized.

Recently, actress Emilia Clarke made headlines by revealing a British newspaper that "could not bear" the sex scenes in which she has participated in Game of Thrones. The article recounts that "Emilia, who plays exile princess Daenerys Targaryen, refused to appear half-naked again two years ago." She "would have told the program directors that she" wanted to be known for her performance, not her breasts. "

This is what really happens when these Hollywood actresses think they are doing an artistic nude with their bodies: in reality, what they are doing is creating a sexual bond with millions of men, just as the Scriptures tell us what happens during sex : "The two shall be one flesh" (Gen 2:24, 1 Cor 6:16). In the Gospels, Jesus tells us that thinking about having sex with another woman who is not his wife is the same as committing adultery in the heart (Mt 5:28).

And if you think that you can somehow filter pornography and have only the "art", you are so deceived, you are so incoherent. Pornography always does the same with people: as soon as it comes on the scene, it plays out of its humanity and dignity. All that remains are pieces of meat being consumed by other human beings.

You can not at the same time maintain the dignity of someone while you use it for your own pleasure. Either watch pornography or treat people with dignity.

Choose wisely.

By Noah Filipiak


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